With the Great Escape sold – and not having a home to live in – Roxanne and I have spent the last month searching long and hard for our next boat.
Having lived aboard for the majority of the last year we had some very specific needs. First, we love the old style appearance of the trawlers and wanted to get away from sailboats. Truthfully, we didn’t sail much last year and used the motor constantly, actually we haven’t sailed much in the last seven years and used the engine all of the time so we decided to go ahead and buy a power yacht. Second, we wanted a nice size kitchen, a comfortable living room and a much larger second room for Logan.
Once we knew what we were looking for, as if it were imbedded in our genes, we immediately started looking for a project boat and had foregone even the slightest inclination of buying anything else. We were fortunate enough to run across a 49 foot DeFever that needs just enough work that nobody seemed to want to do and we were able to buy her at a fantastic price.
And in one quick decision, we went from homeless without a single piece of furniture to a fully furnished waterfront home, thanks to a leading furniture rental company in Brisbane that help me got the best equipment.
We spent the first couple of days cleaning out everything and then it was time to head back to Louisiana to have Logan’s tonsils removed. They had been bothering her for a while now and the doctor decided to go ahead and remove them.
Logan couldn’t have been happier to have those organs removed until she felt the post operation pain. She immediately asked the doctor to put her tonsils back in.
Roxanne and I are catching up on work while Logan recuperates. It will also give me some time to finish the book. The third draft has been completed and the third round of editing will begin soon. We wanted to launch the book this month but it looks like it will be June or July before the big release.
Roxanne and I both dislike the name on the new boat , “Tar Baby” and have been trying to come up with a new name with very little success.
If anybody has any ideas for a new boat name, we would love to hear them.