My Cooking Style and The Galley
I come from a large family who loves to gather and cook and just as equally loves to eat. I never learned how to cook in small portions. Not even for our small family of three. On weekends Conrad will wake to the sound of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen. He walks in to find a pot, which takes up half the stove top, full of gumbo.
He asked, “What time is the army arriving?”
Confused by this question I asked, “What Army?”
“The army that you plan to feed with all of this food”, he said as he chuckles.
He likes to pick fun, but this works out great for us. I can cook a large batch of gumbo in my “army pot” and have plenty left over to freeze for later.
The realization is sinking in that that our kitchen full of giant pots, skillets, pans, and etc. is not going to fit into the galley of the boat. Space aboard the vessel is precious and must be used practically. Our large kitchen with many cabinets will be reduced to the size of a one room efficiency kitchenette.
My cooking style will have to change slightly by cooking in smaller portions as our freezer space is now the size of a milk crate. We will only take with us small kitchenware that we currently use on a daily basis. The only electrical appliances to make the cut will be the coffee pot for our morning brew and the blender for frozen concoctions. We also keep a couple of gag coffee mugs in our cabinet.
I’ve begun my search for ways to maximize our space in the galley. It seems this is going to require a lot of creativity and organization. Fitted properly, the galley has a lot of potential to be set up comfortably. I’ve purchased a line of collapsible bowls, measuring cups, strainer’s etc. to save on space. These things are great and you can even use them in the microwave. If the galley on your boat is kind of tight also, you can find these bowls on Amazon by clicking here.
The galley has four cubbies below our pantry with lots of space and height inside each cubby. However, the opening to the cubbies is very small and doesn’t allow for larger objects like canisters or plastic bens to be placed inside. I plan to cut the openings larger which will allow for a lot more storage space.
I will start this project as soon as I find out where Conrad hid that big saw from me.
If you can’t find the saw I’m sure Red would be glad to loan you one. I’ll keep cooking for the Army while you are gone, because I have the same problem, you should see my freezer.
If Conrad doesn’t turn the saw over soon I’ll have to take you up on that offer Laurie. Keep that freezer full because we may need for you to ship some of that good cooking to us.
I am glad to see you’ll are getting close to leaving. Good luck and we will pray for a safe return.
Thank you for the kind words. I have all my fishing gear and will post pictures of my first catch. I also have the gallon of sunscreen you recommended so no worries there.