April 12, 2012
We originally planned to stay at my parent’s house in Port Charlotte, FL about a month but the cruising lifestyle has taken hold of us and time has slipped by and we are still here.
We found a guy who lives on the water who was nice enough to lease us a pier for a month. The price was right and it is near my parent’s house, so it really worked out well.
The other day Roxanne says, “We are going to have to pay Skip more money for the boat slip, you know our month is almost up.”
I reply very confused, “We’ve been here a month already?”
We have been working some. Roxanne has stripped all the wood in the pilot house and she is now working on the third coat of wood finish. I’ll post more pictures when she is done.
It only took us 5 and half years but we finally have the name of the boat, on the boat.
I bought a Hawaiian sling. It’s a long pole that is propelled by rubber tubing that is used to spear fish. I tried to get my dad to hold a block of wood under water in his pool so I could get some target practice, but he refused. Party pooper.
We will be heading south in about a week. So maybe I’ll get the chance to swim around and spear some fish then.