Fort Myers to Marco Island

Marco Island

Marco Island

Our anchorage in the city of Fort Myers provided great protection from the winds which were remnants of the front that moved through last week. We were close to town so we took the opportunity to dingy ashore and stock up on essentials (wine for us and pickles for Logan). It was also a great location to give Logan lessons on operating the dingy.

Sunset in Fort Myers

Sunset in Fort Myers

We left the city of Fort Myers Tuesday morning and hooked to the mooring balls of Matanzas Harbor Municipal Mooring Field in Fort Myers Beach that afternoon. For $13 a night you get a mooring ball, showers, dingy dock, pump out service and laundry facilities (not a bad deal). From the dingy dock there is easy access to many stores and restaurants and the beach is within walking distance. Logan took her first solo dingy ride to shore in search for a quiet spot to study. I think this is code for “time to get away from the parents.”

Morring Field at Fort Myers Beach

Morring Field at Fort Myers Beach

Night time at Fort Myers Beach

Night time at Fort Myers Beach

We left Fort Myers Beach Thursday morning to move further south to Marco Island. We only intended to stay here for a couple of nights but more bad weather and high winds are moving through so we’ll stay put until everything calms down. We are anchored in Smokehouse Bay which has a dingy dock. Smokehouse bay is in the middle of town so everything we need is very close by.

Osprey Nest

Osprey Nest

Osprey Nest Again

Osprey Nest Again

Anchored in Smokehouse Bay on Marco Island

Anchored in Smokehouse Bay on Marco Island

Seahorse hanging on to the anchor chain.

Seahorse hanging on to the anchor chain.

Seahorse swimming away.

Seahorse swimming away.

Logan caught in rainstorm.

Logan caught in rainstorm.

Logan drying out from dighy ride.

Logan drying out from dighy ride.